Ann Romney, Hilary Rosen, and life insurance for stay-at-home Moms

This morning we took a term life insurance application for a stay-at-home mom, which got me thinking about current events. You may have heard about this in the news this week — Hilary Rosen, consultant to and/or friend of the Obama campaign, said of Ann Romney something like this: “She doesn’t understand the economy – she’s never worked a day in her life!” Of course, Ann Romney raised five kids, which set off a howl of protest from stay-at-home moms (like my wife) and those who recognize what they do.

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It got me wondering, what Hilary Rosen would think of that. Heck, plenty of people wonder, does a stay-at-home mom need life insurance?
Let’s put it like this: Would there be a financial impact to your family if your stay-at-home spouse died? Probably so. At the very least you’d probably have a childcare issue, and that’s just the most obvious thing. Just think about it for a minute.
So, with apologies to Ms. Rosen, we think that the stay-at-home moms do provide a significant financial benefit to their households (and they work pretty dadgum hard too!). With that in mind, we suggest that you consider at least a basic $100-$250k level term life policy. It might be cheaper than you think. Contact us to find out!