BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina has introduced individual short-term health plans. These plans are available in 30, 60, 90, or 120 day increments. The deductible options are $500, $1000, and $2500. The plan is a fairly standard short-term health plan when compared to the benefits offered by other companies. The chief advantage of short-term health insurance coverage with BlueCross BlueShield of SC will be in the savings afforded by their provider network. Because of their size (the number of members), they command significant discounts. Because short-term health plans typically don’t provide copays and that sort of thing (though there is one carrier who provides an urgent care center copay), the issue of discounting becomes significant.
The greatest disadvantage, of course, is the shorter policy duration. Nonetheless, for new employees with a 90-day waiting period for group health insurance, for example, the duration will be of no consequence.
For more information, to get information on rates, and to compare the BlueCross BlueShield short-term health plan with others on the market (such as HCC Life, Assurant Health, or Golden Rule Health), contact AC Forrest.