We’re finally starting to get some information about the temporary federal high-risk insurance pool created as the result of the health bill passed earlier this year. Below is an informational bulletin we received this morning. This pool is designed to help provide coverage for individuals who would otherwise have no access to health insurance – you’ll note the three primary criteria below. Please note that this information should be confirmed with or corroborated by the government via the website and phone number listed. We’re providing it here for informational purposes:
The federal government has created the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Pool (PCIP) as part of the health care reform law. The PCIP program offers health insurance to people who have been denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, have been uninsured for at least six months, and are U.S. citizens or are residing here legally.
To learn more about eligibility and see rates, please visit PCIP’s website, where you’ll also find a link to download applications for the PCIP program. The ability to apply online directly will supposedly be available August 1.
According to its website, monthly PCIP premiums rates for South Carolina as are follows:
Ages 0 to 34: $301
Ages 35 to 44: $361
Ages 45 to 54: $462
Ages 55+: $642
The toll-free number for the PCIP program is (800) 220-7898.