Insurance for College Students: 4 Questions to Ask

If you’re preparing to send a kid off to college this month, you’ve got a lot on your plate.
So we’ll get right down to it. If you have questions about how going away to college will impact your not-so-little-anymore guy or gal’s insurance coverage, we’ve got 4 things you may need to think about.  iStock_000005657628Small

4 Questions to Ask about Insurance for College Students

1. Is your student going to be out of state? If so, you’ll want to find out if your present health insurance policy has a provider network out of state. Many will, but others will not.
(In South Carolina, for example, if you are insured through Coventry or Consumers Choice, you could have a problem here). If there is no issue with network coverage, you should be fine (skip to #3 below). If your student will be beyond the network, you’ll need an alternative. So…
2. What’s the cheapest way to get health insurance? If you need to find a separate policy for your student, you won’t have to go through the entire Obamacare gauntlet if you don’t want to do so. You can get solid major medical coverage from a short-term health insurance plan at a much lower price (and a lot less hassle). There’s no open enrollment period to worry about and the coverage can be in force for 1-11 months.

[button url=””]Get a quick quote on short-term health insurance here[/button]

3. How can your student find a doctor? If your student is away from home, it’s unlikely they will make a trip back to see your family doctor when they’re sick. Obviously the college will probably have a clinic, but here’s another idea worth exploring: telemedicine.
You can give your student access to a board-certified doctor in the same state 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone or video conference. There’s no copay and the average response time after requesting a consultation is about 20 minutes. Since illness doesn’t always occur during normal business hours, this is a handy solution. The price is $9.99/month, which actually covers your whole family.

[button url=””]Enroll in telemedicine here[/button]

4. Is your student going on a foreign study trip? You’ll want to see if the college or program is providing insurance for students studying abroad, because your domestic policy probably isn’t. The good news is a solid travel insurance policy is really inexpensive, and takes care of medical care, evacuation, and other stuff we don’t want to happen!

[button url=””]Get a quote on a travel insurance policy here[/button]

We are always here to help answer your questions and help you find solutions to problems. If you have additional questions don’t hesitate to contact us today.