Medicare Help in Mauldin!
Get help from a local contracted agent (not a government agency) to understand your options and help you make the best decision. We'll make the process as simple as possible.
New to Medicare: Understand Your Options
Medicare can be overwhelming. Whether you’re just turning 65 or retiring and losing coverage, there’s a lot to consider.
Let’s cut through the clutter.
There are two directions you can go when it comes to enrolling in Medicare:
- Keep “Original Medicare” and enroll in a Medicare Supplement Plan. (You’ll also need a Part D Drug Plan if you go this direction.)
- Replace the whole thing with a Medicare Advantage Plan.
There are pros and cons in each direction, and there are multiple companies offering Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans in Mauldin!
Don’t worry – we can help you figure out which one makes more sense for you!
Learn more about Medicare Advantage Learn more about Medicare SupplementsMedicare Annual Enrollment Period
The Medical Annual Enrollment Period is October 15 – December 7 of every year. That’s when you can change your Medicare Advantage plan or your Part D prescription drug plan.
(And that’s why you see so many Medicare commercials in the fall!)
Because Medicare Advantage plans can and do change every year, it’s a good idea to spend some time making sure you’re in the one that best fits your needs.
We work with multiple companies that offer Medicare Advantage plans in Mauldin (Greenville County) and can help you explore your options. There are two key factors to consider:
- Network. There are two major healthcare systems here in Mauldin: Prisma Health and Bon Secours. Some plans have one or the other, while some include both in their provider network.
- Prescriptions. You’ll want to make sure that a Medicare Advantage plan covers your prescriptions (and get an idea of what your expected costs will be). We can help you do that if you’re willing to give us the details on your prescription drugs.
There are other variables to consider too, but those are usually the big ones. Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period can be overwhelming. If you want to talk to someone local, we’d love to chat!
See some Medicare Advantage plans in MauldinWant to learn more?
Let's connect!
We'll be happy to help you learn more about Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans available in Mauldin / Greenville, and help you find the best option for you. We'd love to talk to you!
Contact us today!