Here’s what you need to know:
- There are fewer insurance companies offering plans in 2017, so options will be more limited than last year.
- If you’re eligible for a subsidy, you will need to go through the process again to re-certify your subsidy for 2017.
- If you’re not receiving a subsidy, you may be able to let your plan roll over automatically. In some cases (especially in South Carolina), you may be automatically enrolled in the most comparable plan available.
- To have a plan effective January 1, you must complete the enrollment by December 15. We strongly encourage you to get it done early!
[button url=””]GEORGIA: Click here to look at plans and prices and to enroll in coverage[/button]
You can enroll on your own if you’d prefer. We will be happy to walk you through it if you’d like help. To set up a time to do that, please contact us here.
If you’d like to schedule a time to talk, please include several times when you will be available and have access to the Internet (so we can share our desktop with you).
We often get calls from people wanting to enroll in health insurance outside of Open Enrollment, and people are usually surprised to learn they cannot enroll. So please don’t put it off or forget to enroll.
If you’re not happy with your options and want to consider alternatives, we can help you with that too.
If you have friends or family members who need help getting their health insurance set up for 2017, please send them here! We’ll be happy to help them if we can, and grateful for your endorsement!