What to do if your CoventryOne plan is going up or going away

CoventryOne in the Carolinas sent letters to policyholders in the last week or so announcing the end of pre-Obamacare plans.
You were told something along these lines:

  • Your plan is being eliminated and you’ll need to transition to a new Obamacare-compliant plan.
  • The price of your plan is increasing (often dramatically higher).

What’s Happening to CoventryOne Plans?

Many people purchased Coventry health insurance plans in 2012 or, especially, in 2013 because they were very competitively priced. But like all plans prior to January 1, 2014, they were not Obamacare compliant (i.e. they didn’t meet all the rules and mandates of the Affordable Care Act).
The government allowed consumers to keep their plans through 2014, but after 2014 they had to be covered by plans that met the guidelines.
So your current plan is being eliminated.

What Should you Do?

Your plan will stay in effect through December 31, 2014, so there’s no urgency to do anything.
Coventry will give you the option to migrate into the compliant plan most similar to your current coverage. That’s why it looks to some people as though they are simply getting a big increase in their plan.
Of course, you don’t have to keep that plan. You can and probably should shop around to see other options. And, obviously, we’d be happy to help you do so.
We will help you determine if you qualify for any premium tax credits (most people do) and then select the plan that best fits your family’s needs and budget.
Open enrollment begins on November 15th – we can talk before that to help you shop for plans, but we will have to enroll you between November 15 and December 15.
Contact us to learn more or talk about your options.
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