Being in the health insurance business gives me an “inside track” to various stories about the experience others have had while using the U.S. health care system. In light of the current administration’s desire to “take over” this huge chunk of our nation’s economy, I think it’s helpful to hear & recount some “real life experiences.” This from a guy in Kansas, Alex Poulter:
“I disagree about the comment that the current model is a “free enterprise” system. The President and proponents of a single payer system have brilliantly framed the argument that the “private” system has failed and needs the Federal Government to “bail” it out.
I personally have a $5,000 deductible with an underlying Health Savings Account. The fact that I am taking advantage of the triple tax break and funding my account is an example of “free enterprise”. However, the system is not perfect. Last year, I had an unexpected incident that landed me in the hospital for 4 days. The current system did not allow me to take advantage of “consumerism” because nobody could tell me in advance how much anything was going to cost me. I had to wait 4 weeks after leaving the hospital to learn how I was financially raped while the Medicaid recipient in the bed next to me was the beneficiary of a process called “spreading the health”. My unforeseen accident cost me $5,000 in cash savings. Medicaid Mike next to me paid $57 for phone calls made from his room. I was in the hospital 4 days. Medicaid Mike was in the hospital 14 days subsequent to being a type I diabetic and alcoholic who went on a binge drinking spree.
The Government is spending 56 cents out of every healthcare dollar or 56% in the form of Medicaid, Medicare, and government employee benefits. Thus, by definition, the “current” healthcare system is not messed up because of “free enterprise” and “private markets” but rather too much government control [that is, the 56% paid through government plans].
Last week, President Obama said, “Let’s focus on the things that work and discontinue things that do not work”. I agree. However, more government is not the answer. The answer is less government and more emphasis on consumerism, consumer directed healthcare, pricing transparency, and health savings accounts….”
Here’s my question: What’s the problem? Is it that health insurance costs too much, or is it the health care that costs too much or is the government already too involved in things? What’s your opinion?