How Does Telemedicine Work?

Telemedicine is revolutionizing the way consumers get access to healthcare by utilizing technology to significantly lower the cost while eliminating time and hassle.
AC Forrest is excited to partner with a service called Virtual Care, which provides access to board-certified physicians in your home state 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You pay $9.99/month to subscribe to the plan (for your whole family), and you can then access care wherever and whenever you need it – without a copay.

So, how does telemedicine work?

With Virtual Care you can consult a doctor by phone or video. It’s simple:

Your information is stored in their secure online portal so that it will be there next time you need it. You’ll also be able to request a recording of your telemedicine consultation be sent to your primary care physician.

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Telemedicine benefits are becoming very popular with employers as well because, in addition to being popular with employees, they cut down on missed work and time missed due to office visits for employees or their children.
More than anything else, though, they’re convenient and they save you time and money.
There is a significant discounted on pricing for employer-paid groups.

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